Outdoor Plants
Indoor Plants
Water Plant
Lantern Hibiscus

Mission :- Grow Easy!

This website is to provide information of various plants which are normally grown in garden or in-house. You can reach to us at easygarden.aparajita@gmail.com Alternatively, please report here if you have any comments/suggestion to share with us

Ten plants that every household should have: ( Buy Online Now (WhatsApp No. 7439236696 to order plants))

Plants enhance beauty of an house. A house without plant is same as a library without books. Plants brings mental peace and by caring and nurturing plants you can keep your self healthy and mentally fit. Every household should have following easy growing plants irrespective of whether you have a big rooftop or big balcony. Following plants can be grown in very small space with small pot.
  1. Money Plant
  2. Aloevera
  3. Sainsbury
  4. Tulsi
  5. Pheladendron
  6. Montessori
  7. Nayantara (Vinca)
  8. Table Rose / Moss Rose
  9. Bougainvillea

No matter whether you a big roof-top or balcony, there is always room for plants if you love gardening! You can have very hardy plants to start with gardening or if you do not time to take care very frequently.
There are plants which grows in full sunlight, some plants are grown on half shade area. Depending on the situation, you can have plants in your garden
There’s no sense spending money and not giving your plant a good start in life.
If we have a roof-top or big balcony, we can grow the following hardy plants very easily.
Here are some of our absolute favorite types of plants to round out every garden: ( Buy Online Now)
  • Bougainvillea
  • Hibiscus
  • Lily
  • Tube Rose (Rajanigandha)
  • Gandharaj
  • Nayantara (Vinca)
  • Sthalapadma (Land Lotus)
  • Mogra
  • Jesmine
  • Table Rose
  • Korobi
  • Rose
  • Aparajita Flower
  • Nishi Padma (Bhramha Komal)
  • Winter season flowers
  • Summer season flowers
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